Change AutoReload Payment Method on grpayit
Follow the directions below to change the payment method for your AutoReload enrollment on grpayit.
1. Sign in to grpayit using the email address originally used to set up AutoReload
2. Click Explore Service in the "Trash Services" section
3. Click AutoReload
4. Click My payment options
5. Enter your AutoReload payment amount and click Submit
Note: There is a $12.00 minimum AutoReload amount
6. The current payment method will be displayed with a blue arrow to the right. Click on Payment Method.
7. Select a different payment method from your profile or add a new payment method and click Submit
Still need assistance?
- During Step 2, if you receive the notification, "Sorry, only the person who set up AutoReload is allowed to manage it.", then a different email address was used to set up AutoReload
- To proceed, log out and try signing in with a different email address
- If the notification persists, contact PayIt by using the Help widget in the bottom right corner for chat support or email us at